Friday, January 1, 2010

Anthology Emporium

Welcome to the Anthology Emporium blog.

My name is Joe LaFleur. I and my brother Chuck Feazell have created a web site where published and unpublished authors can share their works.

An anthology is a book of stories, poetry or items. This is the main idea behind this web site.

We are in the process of building the site and we wish to build it with the imput of others, all are welcome to comment and offer ideas that will futher the work and talents of our members. Chuck and I are going to be installing a shoping cart along with a pay pal account so that authors can offer their books as a down load for a reasonable price. We are open to other products that are original such as crafts.

Artists are also welcome to place their works for sale in our store.

There will be a small fee due when artists and authors sell their works to ofset the cost of producing this web site.

We have high hopes that as we work as a group and as the group gets larger many good things will come of our efforts.

My brother chuck is a computer programer by trade and he is the brains behind the mechanics of The Anthology Emporium. I am the artist and the creator of the site. It is my intention to be of service and help to build a community of artists and help others with their crafts. This will be accomplished through the efforts of others who feel as I do that giving back to the world and paying it forward has its own rewards.

I have written two books and am in the process of getting them published. My first book is an inspirational book for children that has as an added feature to the story the easiest way ever found to teach children their multiplication skills. No flash cards or huge 10x10 map.

Just fun secret codes easily learned by an 8 year old. I will be placing it on our web site with in the next two weeks available for anyone who has a kid having trouble with the multiplication tables. If it makes life a little easier for only one more child than this web site will hav e been worth it.

My first book is "The Secrets of Iam", My secound is called the Pfistpounder Anthology.

This is where the store name comes from.

The web site is put together so that once you log in you can post your work by a simple download. The work will then be reviewed to see if it fits our guide lines and then will be posted to be purchased as a download.

Our criteria is simple, the work has to:

Help people feel good about themselves or the decisions that they make.

Your item should be entertaining, uplifting or funny. Horror stories are not out of the question as long as they are such as a child could read it. Poems can also be posted.

Articles of an uplifting sort are welcome too.

My brother and I are both Christians but "THIS IS NOT A CHRISTIAN WEB SITE."

There are many of those already and The Anthology Emporium is open to all faiths or if you like no faith at all. I enjoy learning about people and why they believe as they do. There is good in all people.

An old girlfriend gave me a piece of paper that I carried in my wallet for over thirty years it said, "Each and every day I will remember that everyone I meet will be superior to me in some way and I can learn from them." It has carried me far. I'm glad to report that after

35 years she and I are back together and deeply in love.....see, miracles do happen everyday.

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