Thursday, January 14, 2010

There's only now

Only Now

There is no past there is only now,

Dreams aren’t made to be real.

Regrets and sorrows hide deep inside,

Your heart and soul to steal.

To act right now where we live,

To love and to laugh and be free.

Pleasant dreams remain to comfort us,

But the past is gone don’t you see?

An imaginary land of good and bad,

Yet fictitious all the same.

One can’t reach back and pick something up,

The only part real is its name.

There is no future there is only now,

Dreams aren’t made to be real.

Doubt’s and worries hide deep inside,

Your heart and soul to steal.

Now here is the place in which we live,

It’s a time to love, hug and kiss.

A time to create and a time to destroy,

In a dream world these things don’t exist.

Nowhere is a place of fantasy and fun,

It’s vanity grasping at the wind.

One can weep, laugh, gain or lose,

But all this is foolishness in the end.

Now is the time in which we live,

A time to build up or break down.

Now is the only time that exists,

Happy, sad, smile or frown.

Stay in the now and do what you do,

That which was done will be done.

For what is the past is also the future,

There is nothing new under the sun.

Now is eternity, eternity is now,

That’s why there’s no beginning or end,

For how can we say the beginning is now,

If now we say it’s the end?

E.J. LaFleur

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